Thai massage, also known as Nuad Bo-Rarn in its traditional form, is a type of Oriental bodywork therapy that is based on the treatment of the human body, mind, and spirit.
The therapy includes treating the electromagnetic or energetic field which surrounds, infuses and brings the body to life through pressure and/or manipulative massage.
Our team of professional, experienced massage therapists are all graduates of the prestigious Wat Po Thai Traditional Medical and Massage School in Bangkok, Thailand.
Many people believe that the health benefits of Thai massage include lowering stress, boosting energy, and improving athletic performance.
Thai massage uses gentle pressure and stretching techniques to relax the whole body. This is an ancient healing practice that originated in India. It dates back to around 2,500–7,000 years ago.
The technique that Thai massage practitioners use is very different from what people in the West may be accustomed to. Unlike Swedish or shiatsu massage techniques, in which a person passively lies on a bed, the client lies on the floor and participates more actively in the massage.
This article will look at the benefits of Thai massage, how it can help athletes, and some of the side effects that people may experience.
Health benefits of Thai massage
Thai massage has many health benefits, from lowering stress to relieving muscular tension.
It can even increase energy. Below, we discuss five health benefits of Thai massage.
1. Lowers stress
2. Boosts energy
3. Relieves headaches
4. Stimulates circulation
5. Improves range of motion
How often to get Thai massages?
After a Thai massage, a person may feel very relaxed. However, they need to keep in mind that their muscles have been worked, stretched, and prodded. After a Thai massage, a person should rest and drink plenty of water.
There are no guidelines for how often a person should get a Thai massage. People should try to incorporate daily maintenance routines that involve stretching and relaxation techniques. This will help them remain flexible for a long time after their massage.
People should also listen to their bodies. If someone experiences lasting pain or discomfort in one area of their body, they should see their healthcare provider, as this could indicate an underlying health condition.
If someone wishes to focus on a specific area of their body, they can choose to work with a massage therapist to schedule regular sessions until they are satisfied with the results. At that point, they can consider spacing out their appointments and focusing on maintaining the results. Read more.
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